A-Level AQA History - Germany: the Impact of War (1939-45)

Wartime Economy under Speer

Mobilization of Economy for War

Germany had been preparing for war since the introduction of the Four-Year Plan but did not reach a full state of mobilization until 1942. Although the German army had shortages, these did not impact them until 1941 as forces became stretched with the war in the Mediterranean and Operation Barbarossa. Hitler had not anticipated war would begin in 1939, and this was one reason for shortages. Armaments production suffered from structural weaknesses, as production needed for the different weapons for the different branches was expensive and required skilled labor. Goering also lacked the political, economic, and technical knowledge to carry out the Four-Year Plan effectively. Albert Speer, appointed Armaments Minister in 1942, described Goering as incompetent.

Work of Speer

Hitler recognized the need for more rationalization of the industry by 1941. It was only when the Armaments Minister was killed in a plane crash in 1942 and was replaced by Albert Speer that any effective action was taken to improve German armaments production. Under Speer, they centrally coordinated the allocation of labor, equipment, and materials and used fewer factories, with more mass-production techniques, and shift work to ensure 24-hour production.

Impact of Bombing

Between May 1942 and 1945, the Allies carried out a sustained bombing offensive against Germany's industrial capacity and civilian morale. Speer's production gains happened despite heavy bombing. Although the bombing did have an impact on production, they managed to keep producing throughout it.

Mobilization of Labor Force

The outbreak of war led to an increase in those conscripted into the army. At the same time, there was a need to increase the production of armaments. With a limited supply of men, they ensured that only non-essential laborers were sent to the frontline and used foreign labor in the factories. Hitler was opposed to using women for labor, so he shut down small businesses and transferred the employees to factories.

Use of Foreign Labor

From June 1940-1942, foreign workers came mainly from occupied countries in Western Europe. After the invasion of the USSR, there was an increase in the number of prisoners of war, and Hitler agreed that they could be used as slave labor.

In what ways did Hitler mobilize the labor force without using women?
Your answer should include: Shutting Businesses / Transferring Employees / Keeping Workers off the Frontline / Foreign Labor
Explanation: Shutting down non-essential businesses and transferring employees, keeping essential workers off the frontline, and using foreign labor.
When did slave labor increase?
Your answer should include: Invasion / USSR
Explanation: After the invasion of the USSR.